Computer Crimes & Their Objectives..
*Convention on Cybercrime
Objectives: Set out in the preamble, is to pursue a common criminal policy.
*Encurve LLC-Hacktivism and Politically Motivated Computer Crime
Objectives: Covers a wide range of online activity to promote the objectives of individuals, groups or nations: Espionage ...
*Industrial Spies and Organized Crime Groups
Objectives: Their goals are profit-based. Their sub-goals include attacks on infrastructure for profit to competitors or other groups listed above, theft of trade secrets, and gain access and blackmail affected industry using potential public exposure as a threat.
Objectives: Their goal is to spread terror throughout the U.S. civilian population. Their sub-goals include: attacks to cause 50,000 or more casualties within the U.S. and attacks to weaken the U.S. economy to detract from the Global War on Terror.
*National Governments
Objectives: Their goal is to weaken, disrupt or destroy the U.S. Their sub-goals include espionage for attack purposes, espionage for technology advancement, disruption of infrastructure to attack the US economy, full scale attack of the infrastructure when attacked by the U.S. to damage the ability of the US to continue its attacks.